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电话: 0755-28027772
传真: 0755-28025250
姓名: Helen Wang

  Our factory, YASHANG TENTS SHENZHEN CO; LTD, was established in 2005 and we has introduced top advanced german tents technology and high quality production equipment. We are the professional tents manufacturer with our own research, design, production and installation team in ShenZhen...

主要产品/业务: The tents are widely applied for different kinds of exhibition, business trade fair, party, gourmet festival, commercial ceremony, advertising, military, sports events, industrial storage/warehouse and other outdoor events/activities. You are welcome to scan our *域名隐藏* for further details or contact me directly per email partytent09 at szyashang dot com.

YASHANG TENTS CO; LTD / 广东 / 深圳市宝安区观澜佰公坳工业区111栋 (518110 ) / 电话:0755-28027772

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